Monday, March 3, 2014

Evelyn (and Molly) has MORE ideas!

More from Evelyn and her friend, Molly…

Dear Monkey Doodle Dandy,
I made more drawings of the Squaredy Cats! Me and my friend drew them. I think they are super cute! We would like you to make these kinds of cats! Pretty please?! sic]

Dear Evelyn,
We love all the Squaredy Cats you and Molly drew! Keep up the good work. We've made some drawings like this ourselves, and hope that we can make each and every one of them into plush. Thanks for loving Squaredy Cats! And thank you for showing us your artwork!


  1. These are fantastic! I love the "not squared to be recycled" Frankenkitty. <3

    1. We do too! Here is the original:
