Friday, May 21, 2010

Announcing Contest Winners

You Imagine It Contest winners.

Congratulations Winners! PLEASE read carefully for instructions!

Here are the contest winners for the "You Imagine It Squaredy Cats Contest." These Squaredy Cats fans were picked from fans who posted on the real Claires Facebook Page about Squaredy Cats.
We picked 4 winners randomly, and one from our favorite post. Our favorite post was:

"I LOVE Claire's , but i REALLY LOVE Squaredy Cats! What are squaredy cats? They're ADORABLE square-shaped cartoon cats that say stuff like"Not squared to love claires" TONS of people LOVE them and they would be an AMAZING thing to sell at claires. You can make them into pillows, plushies, blankets, posters, stickers, notebooks you name it!! EVERYBODY WOULD WANT ONE!!! i know i would!!! so come on Claires don't be *squared* to sell squaredy cats stuff!! ♥ :D"

Thank you to everyone who posted. We really appreciate your support.

We need the winners to post a description of the cat they want us to make along with a caption that starts with, "not squared of…" or "not squared to…"

We'll be posting the winners' cats next week on the Facebook page.

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